Pet experts say that leaving our companions unattended at home for long periods of time can result in behavioural issues such as separation anxiety, excessive barking, destructiveness and loneliness.

Puppuccino Pet Spa offers a safe and tranquil supervised atmosphere with limited daycare places, so that each dog receives optimal attention and exercise, is relaxed and happy as possible whilst in our care, and is content for their return home.


Daycare is an integral source of exercise and social interaction that every dog needs giving a release of energy that provides physiological benefits including weight control, muscle toning, cardio and respiratory health as well as promoting better mental health.

Staff and canine safety is our number one priority, therefore it is mandatory for all dogs to undertake a behavioural assessment before they can be enrolled in day care.

Dogs attending our daycare facility must:

Pass an onsite behavioral and temperament assessment

Our admission behavioral assessment is conducted on your dog’s first visit. We monitor your dog for 20 minutes to determine his temperament with other dogs as well as our staff, to rule out potential aggressive anti-social behaviour.
Be healthy and hold a current C5 vaccination certificate

This vaccination covers distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza and bordetella bronchiseptica. Dogs that receive the new 3 year vaccination must still have a yearly canine cough vaccination. Dogs that have not been vaccinated for more than 12 months must do so no less than 10 days prior to checking in for day care or grooming. By law, vaccination certificates need to be sighted by a staff member prior to entering our facility.
Be spayed or neutered

We require that all dogs be a minimum of 16 weeks of age and have had their second set of vaccinations. Puppies may remain unaltered and attend day care until they are 7 months old.

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